
    February 19, 2010


    1. 'I guess I'd call myself a calculated dare-devil': Sense of adventure drives area attorney to new heights
    2. Symposium explores 'Options for an Independent Judiciary in Michigan' Host of speakers call for reforming judicial selection process
    3. Lawyers cite bankruptcy, litigation as key areas for growth
    4. After a year hiatus, Street Law is back on Cooley campus GM law program aims to attract minorities into the legal profession
    5. State - Confrontation clause reviewed Range of decisions have impacted defendant's right to confront witnesses
    6. State - FBA Book Club discusses 'The Least Worst Place' March 18
    7. Business - Pennsylvania Pension shortfall crisis Study reveals states must fill $1 trillion pension gap
    8. Business - New York Wal-Mart profit rises 22 percent for 4Q But sales remain weak for discounter
    9. Nation - National Round Up
    10. Nation - Texas Prosecutors: Death row judge deserves punishment Judge received no reprimand at her ethics trial last fall
    11. Nation - Alabama Town marks infamous race case 8 decades later New Scottsboro Boys Museum fills hole in historical narrative
    12. Nation - Utah Lawyer: Control of $110M land trust religious violation State AG says it's too late for church members to ask for any reversal
    13. Courts - Ohio Investor wants court to toss corruption conviction Says case was prejudiced by media
    14. Holder addresses FBA at luncheon Nation's first black AG says McCree embodied qualities he seeks to emulate
    15. Courts - Former NYC police boss sentenced to four years in prison Kerik was nominated for Department of Homeland Security chief in 2004
    16. Feb. 18 Appeals Opinions
    17. Wayne State's Web page garners top-10 honors
    18. Daily Briefs (Feb. 19)
    19. "Sexting" Statutes